Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tentatively Tuesday

The boat might be coming home Tuesday, weather dependent.

In the meantime I need to get some materials together for some minor jobs.

I have been asked off-blog about the toerail ends and I want to make clear that the 'ends' are not finished. I just cut them off flush with the transom because having 3 feet hanging off the back looked rediculous. The final shape at fore and aft are as yet 'to be determined'. To be sure though, they won't look as they do now when it comes around to launching season.


brushfiremedia said...


Britton said...

Yes, she is home safe and sound. After setting her on her new blocks I had to rush to feed the truck driver and get him back to work.

Then I had to rush off to work.

Pictures tomorrow.

Tim said...

I hear those boat truckers can be real Prima Donnas that way (or should I say "Pre-Madonnas")

brushfiremedia said...

"Work?" What is this "work" you speak of?

Anonymous said...

Photos please... it is tomorrow afterall!

Britton said...

I knew that comment was going to come back and bite me...